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Conservation, Environment & Legislation News

may 5, ’17
Winter 2017 VHS Virus Fish Kills on Lake St. Clair
The MDNR today announced that test results on fish collected in the ongoing fish kill event on Lake St. Clair were confirmed to be positive for viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSv).
Conservation, Environmental & Legislation News

Aquatic Invasive Plants
This is resource page for aquatic invasive plants (weeds) including information on identifying them, and how you can help if you choose to. In Michigan, Starry Stonewort is becoming a real issue with over 120 lakes at least infested with it.

Winter 2017 VHS Virus Fish Kills on Lake St. Clair
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources today announced that test results on fish collected in the ongoing fish kill event on Lake St. Clair were confirmed to be positive for viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSv).
Michigan: Conversations, Coffee with DNR Fisheries
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has announced public forums again will be held throughout the state this year (2017), inviting the public to discuss local and statewide fisheries management activities and concerns.
Fisheries, Legislation and More News
Conservation Pages
VHS Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Page
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