Great Lakes Bass Fishing Forum
Bass Fishing => Bass Fishing Inland Lakes & Rivers => Topic started by: the dirty musky II on July 06, 2024, 10:54:20 AM
Hey gang, does anyone know if Skegemog gets over run with jet boats and wake board people like Torch does during summer time?
new Bass boat this year, new bass fisherman here as well. (also musky hunter) Any help greatly appreciated. Wifey and I are looking for some fishing lakes with less craziness.
Now, I haven't been up there in quite a while, but Torch in the summer at the south end has been a 'party' lake for as long as I've fished up there, while Skegemog is more of a 'fishing' lake. There's boat traffic during the summer on the weekend, but not the swarms like Torch.
The fun-lovers like the crystal clear water in Torch. Not so much the wood-stained water in Skeg. You should enjoy it though the fishing may be a little tougher in the summer. Of course, there's Elk Lake too. A few good summer spots out there.
If you go, how about a fishing report when you're done? Thanks, Dan