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2025-03-04, 16:50:42
The Ultimate Sport Show Grand Rapids is March 13 - March 16 next week!


2025-03-04, 16:45:26
Please visit booth 1929 back by The Hawg Trough to say hi and wish me happy birthday while you're at it!  ;D


2025-02-09, 14:35:57
Stop by booth 5767 near the west end of the Suburban Collection Showplace to keep me company at Outdoorama February 20-23.


2025-01-23, 15:12:26
Next up - Outdoorama in Novi February 20-23, 2025! See you there!


2025-01-08, 18:51:17
I might be at a seminar for a bit but I'll be around.


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March 12, 2025, 04:54:16 PM

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Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:11:14 +0000
Over 4 Acres of Fishing and Hunting Gear, Fishing Boats, Seminars and more available starting Thursday, March 13 at DeVos Place in downtown Grand Rapids. Many great seminars featuring Kevin VanDam and Mark Zona.
Fri, 07 Feb 2025 20:06:06 +0000
If you enjoy your time in the outdoors hunting, fishing, boating, camping etc., Suburban Collection Showplace is the place for you Feb. 20-23 when the 52nd Annual Outdoorama returns to town. Traditional favorites including Big Buck Night, Boats, The Trout Pond, a star-studded Seminar Lineup and more await patrons at southeast Michigan’s oldest outdoors show.
Fri, 20 Dec 2024 21:45:52 +0000
Hundreds of New Fishing Boats, the largest Ice Fishing Display in the state, and a Star-Studded Lineup of Seminars by some of the best anglers in the world combine to make the 42nd annual Ultimate Fishing Show–Detroit the largest and best Pure Fishing Show in the country.
Fri, 25 Oct 2024 18:24:49 +0000
Ready or not, they're coming! The 2025 Ultimate Sport Show Tour is on the calendar and steadily approaching with the 3 best outdoor shows before the season really gets going!
Tue, 07 May 2024 13:00:10 +0000
The Michigan DNR is conducting an acoustic tagging study on Lake St. Clair Smallmouth Bass to better understand their distribution through the lake and habitat use.


2019 West Siders One on One Bass League Schedule

Started by Dutchie1030, October 26, 2018, 02:57:03 AM

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Here's the schedule for the 2019 season.

5/26/19  Mona Lake     6am to 2pm   Mona Lake Park

6/2/19    Kalamazoo River  6am to 2pm  Shultz Park Ramp

6/16/19  White Lake     6am to 2pm   Montage Municipal Ramp

7/7/19    Muskegon Lake  6am to 2pm  Fishermen's Landing

7/28/19  Lake Macatawa      6am to 2pm   Dutton Park Ramp

8/18/19  Grand River      7am to 3pm   144th st. Ramp

9/1/19    Kalamazoo River  7am to 3pm  Shultz Park Ramp

9/21/19 and 9/22/19  Two Day Classic. Day 1 will be on Bear Lake (Manistee County) 7:30am to 3:30pm DNR Ramp
Day 2 Manistee Lake (Manistee County) 7:30am to 3:30pm Arthur St. Boat Ramp

$60 entry fee

$40 membership

100% paid back to the tournaments, AOY, and Classic. All membership money will go into the Classic fund.

Lake Michigan is off limits.


Results from the West Sider?s One on One at Mona Lake.

1. Brett Havemen                     14.92lbs. 
2. Ryan Habbers                      13.62lbs.
3. Josh Fulks                            13.62lbs.
4. Chris O?Kelly                        13.50lbs.
5. Ryan Kelly                             13.39lbs.
6. Chris Nguyen                       13.36lbs.
7. Arin Ubben                            12.82lbs.
8. Nick Van Heest.                   12.80lbs.
9. Tom Overholt                       12.25lbs.
10. Kyle Kempkers                   12.19lbs.
11. Brian Veen                           12.05lbs.
12. Clayton Wilcox                   11.72lbs.
13. Aaron Raak                         10.38lbs.
14. Rob Hulverson                   10.05lbs.
15. Eric Jennings                       9.55lbs.
16. Matt Brechting                     9.11lbs.
17. Tim MclIwain                         6.60lbs.
18. Pat Engle                               5.65lbs.
19. Mark List                               4.78lbs.

Big Bass  Ryan Habbers            4.99lbs

Thanks for coming out!!


Results from the One on One at the Kalamazoo River.

1. Chris Nguyen                             17.40lbs.
2. Aaron Raak                                12.54lbs. 
3. Mark List                                    11.38lbs.
4. Ryan Habers                              11.37lbs.
5. Tim McIlwain                              10.93lbs.
6. Josh Fulks                                  10.35lbs.
7. Nick Compagner                        10.34lbs.
8. Clayton Wilcox                            9.55lbs.
9. Rob Hulverson                            9.29lbs.
10. Brian Veen                                 9.01lbs.
11. Pat Engle                                    4.95lbs.
12. Bill Van Dyke                              4.56lbs.
13. Tom Rigney                                  - - -

Big Bass   Chris Nguyen                 4.16lbs.


White Lake One on One results.

1. Brett Havemen                        16.50lbs.
2. Kyle Kempkers                        15.34lbs.
3. Chris Nguyen                          13.71lbs. 
4. Clayton Wilcox                        12.36lbs.
5. Pat Engle                                 12.17lbs.
6. Tom Overholt                           8.81lbs. 
7. Ben Diekevers                          8.31lbs.
8. Bill Van Dyke                            5.47lbs.
9. Brian Veen                                5.18lbs. 
10. Ryan Habers                           2.15lbs. 
11. Aaron Raak                              1.46lbs.
12. Jeff Gerould                              - - - -
13. Rob Hulverson                          - - - -
14. Rob Young                                - - - -

Big Bass   Chris Nyugen                5.50lbs. 

Thanks for coming out.


Results from Muskegon Lake One on One tournament.

1. Mark List                             16.58lbs.
2. Brian Veen                          14.26lbs. 
3. Aaron Raak                         13.33lbs. 
4. Ryan Habers                       12.76lbs.
5. Brian Feutz                          12.66lbs.
6. Ben Diekevers                     12.58lbs.
7. Chris Nguyen                       10.28lbs.
8. Tom Overholt                        9.76lbs.
9. Pat Engle                               9.74lbs.
10. Clayton Wilcox                    9.23lbs.
11. Ryan Kelly                            7.70lbs.
12. Bill Van Dyke                       7.04lbs.
13. Jamie Peckstein                 2.36lbs.
14. Robert Young                       - - -

Big Bass    Brian Veen              4.64lbs.

Thanks for coming out!!


Results from the One on One at Lake Macatawa.

1. Pat Engle                             15.01 lbs.
2. Ryan Habers                       13.60 lbs.
3. Aaron Raak                         12.67 lbs.
4. Trace Benson                     11.99 lbs.
5. Bran Feutz                          10.88 lbs.
6. Clayton Wilcox                   10.68 lbs.
7. TJ Molewyk                           9.89 lbs. 
8. Chris Nguyen                       9.29 lbs.
9. Jimmy Hutchins                   7.65 lbs.
10. Tom Overholt                      6.77 lbs.
11. Casey Wabeke                      - - -
12. Bill Van Dyke                        - - -
13. Tyler Miller                           - - -
14. Brian Veen                           - - -

Big Bass   Clayton Wilcox      3.59 lbs.

Thanks for coming out!!


Results from the West Sider?s One on One at the Grand River.

1. Brian Veen                          18.97lbs.
2. Ben Skruch                        16.65lbs.
3. Kelly Gertman                    15.60lbs.
4. Chad Nauta                        15.12lbs. 
5. Tom Overholt                     14.25lbs.
6. Jimmy Hutchins                 13.52lbs. 
7. Clayton Wilcox                    12.05lbs.
8. Josh Fulks                           11.87lbs.
9. Pat Engle                             11.80lbs. 
10. Ben Diekevers                   10.73lbs.
11. Ryan Habers                        9.60lbs.
12. Aaron Raak                          6.85lbs.
13. Bill Van Dyke                       - - -
14. Mark List                             - - -

Big Bass  Brian Veen               5.72lbs. 

Thanks for coming out!!


Results from the final qualifying West Sider?s One on One at The Kalamazoo River.

1. Ethan Lemmen                        18.52lbs.
2. Tim MclIwain                           13.50lbs.
3. Clayton Wilcox                        12.90lbs. 
4. Brian Veen                               12.13lbs. 
5. Josh Fulks                                11.76lbs.
6. Aaron Raak                              10.34lbs.
7. Luke Gritter                               8.74lbs.
8. Mark List                                  8.04lbs. 
9. Pat Engle                                  6.43lbs.
10. Ryan Habers                           5.44lbs. 
11. Matt Garvelink                         5.10lbs. 
12. Rob Young                               1.80lbs.
13. Trace Benson                           - - -
14. Tom Overholt                           - - -
15. Chris Nguyen                           - - -
16. Bill Van Dyke                            - - -
17. Dan Stowell                               - - -

Big Bass   Ethan Lemmen              4.17lbs.

Thanks for coming out. It was another great season. We?ll see you up in Manistee county in a few weeks for the Classic.


West Sider?s One on One Series final 5 in the AOY point standings for the 2019 season.

1. Ryan Habers        145 pts.
2. Brian Veen           138 pts. 
3. Aaron Raak          136 pts. 
4. Clayton Wilcox    135 pts.
5. Pat Engle              122 pts.

Thanks to everyone who came out and fished with us this year. It was another good season with lots of laughs. See everyone at the Classic.


Results from the West Sider?s One on One 2 day Classic.

                                Bear       Manistee     Total

1. Brian Veen          8.97        17.32           26.29
2. Mark List           10.02       14.04           24.06
3. Tim MclIwain    11.73        11.28            23.01
4. Pat Engle           8.97         13.72           22.69
5. Tom Overholt    10.72        9.88            20.60
6. Aaron Raak         7.36        12.27           19.63
7. Ryan Habers       4.15        10.85           15.00
8. Matt Brechting   8.99         1.86           10.85
9. Clayton Wilcox   4.95         - - -             4.95
10. Bill VanDyke      3.78        - - -              3.78

Big Bass for the weekend went to Ryan Habers with a 5.45 Largemouth.

Thanks for all coming out this weekend and this year?s regular season. Always a good time. Have a good winter and I?ll see ya next season!!

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