Michigan is at the center of one of the largest fights in the country over hunting rights and the future of the North American Model of Conservation. Radical animal rights groups led by the Humane Society of the United States have launched two referendums designed to undermine the use of science in determining game species in Michigan. GreatLakesBass.com and MUCC are standing up to them, though, and we need your help!
We’re supporting a petition drive to pass a law called the Scientific Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. This citizen initiative will protect hunting and fishing rights, help stop Asian carp and provide free licenses to active-duty military members. It is sponsored by the Citizens for Professional Wildlife Management.
In order for the Legislature to vote on the law, we need to collect over 258,000 valid signatures by May. Therefore, we need you to sign and circulate petitions among your family, friends, coworkers, fellow sportsmen and women, and even complete strangers to make this happen!
Please request a petition to sign and circulate by emailing cpwm@mucc.org with your name and mailing address, or by contacting conservation@greatlakesbass.com. You can learn more about this initiative at www.citizenswildlife.org.
If each of us collects just ten signatures, we can have a significant impact on the future of hunting and conservation in our state. Please join us in achieving this goal. Losing this petition drive is not an option. It would have a direct negative effect on our efforts to get more bass fishing opportunity in Michigan! Please help!
We will be collecting petition signatures at the GreatLakesBass.com booth at each outdoor show too. Please consider volunteering for Outdoorama and the Ultimate Sport Show Grand Rapids. We need the extra help to make sure we get as many Michigan voter signatures as possible. Thank you.