MDNR 2012 Anchor Bay Lake St Clair trap net survey
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Lake St. Clair Fisheries Research Station will be conducting a fisheries survey in Anchor Bay, Lake St. Clair, from April 25 to May 24, 2012.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Lake St. Clair Fisheries Research Station will be conducting a fisheries survey in Anchor Bay, Lake St. Clair, from April 25 to May 24, 2012.
The 2011 Bassmaster Classic, to be held Feb. 18-20 in New Orleans, will showcase more than 50 of the world’s best bass anglers. It will also draw attention to important efforts to revitalize what the National Wildlife Federation calls a “Vanishing Paradise.”
An international, NOAA-led research team took a significant step forward in understanding the atmosphere’s ability to cleanse itself of air pollutants and some other gases, except carbon dioxide.
Anyone else tired of disappointment? We’re blasted with it everyday. We live in a time where professional athletes are linked to steroids, celebrities make headlines for breaking the law, and our political leaders fight with each other instead of coming up with solutions.
I’ve been talking about the hot Mexico bass fishing action we had on the NBAA, D & R Sports Center group trip we took in January 2009 to Lake Comedero. The topwater action was worth it alone for some of us
“Hey, you need to sit down and relax a bit.” Ron Fabiszak of South Bend, IN has heard these words on more than one occasion while fishing as a co-angler in FLW events.
Lake Comedero is an amazingly interesting lake. Surrounded by mountains. Steep hillsides and tons of bluff banks providing lots of sombra (shade) thank goodness since it routinely moved into the 90’s each day, usually with little breeze.
My first adventure to the Mexican Sierra Madre mountains and Lake Comedero started with the biggest largemouth bass of my life and ended with a bigger one!!!
In Cody Harris’ young fishing career he has already amassed a fishing resume’ that many top bass pros would be proud to have. Cody has competed in many casting competitions and went on to win the Michigan Casting Kids state championship.
Consider Jonathon VanDam’s situation for a moment: his uncle, Kevin, is the greatest bass fisherman in the world; his father owns the Ohio state smallmouth bass record with a 9 pound, 8 ounce behemoth
Ever since Dan Kimmel introduced me to Lake Ovid a few years ago, it has been one of my favorite fishing destinations. This small impoundment within Sleepy Hollow State Park has features found in many southern reservoirs albeit on a much smaller scale.