Bass Angler’s Dictionary
The great sport of bass tournament fishing is growing fast. With all the new fishermen and fisherwomen joining our ranks, I felt it my duty to put out this list, incomplete as it may be of tournament angler jargon.
The great sport of bass tournament fishing is growing fast. With all the new fishermen and fisherwomen joining our ranks, I felt it my duty to put out this list, incomplete as it may be of tournament angler jargon.
If fishing for smallmouth bass is your passion, summer bass fishing on Lake St. Clair and its connecting waters is the place to be. As the summer bite emerges two trends define the period
Join me at the second Camo at the Capitol rally on April 18 to let your elected Michigan legislators know that conserving our natural resources and protecting the rights to hunt, fish, trap and bear arms matter to you!
Been wanting a new and better video service for some time. I like watching videos sometimes, especially fishing videos. Nice for us frozen Northerners this time of year.
It’s official now! Randy VanDam and I are returning to the Amazon’s Rio Negro river, home of the world record peacock bass, for a rematch again the most amazing freshwater fighter – the peacock bass!
What would you say to a chance to fish Lake St. Clair with someone who has over 80 years of fishing experience on the lake?
While we are finishing up this new section for exciting, amazing peacock bass fishing Brazil with Exotic Outdoor Adventures, check out the initial trip summary and pictures of many of the HUGE peacock bass
As you may or may not know, we close our fishing operation on Lake Comedero every May 1st just prior to the heavy monsoon rains (June – Sept). However, we leave our fishing operation on Lake El Salto
Things are surprisingly slow at the Lansing Boating and Fishing Show, but the new Xtreme Bass Tackle Great Lakes Perch tubes are HOT!!! Great looking new color unlike any tube color designed before – a quadruple pour.
This show is all about fishing tackle, fishing trips, fishing boats and features: Lake Ultimate, Trout Pond, Seminar Stages, Walleye Fish Fry and more. Detroit is the largest freshwater fishing market in the U.S.
Ever since Dan Kimmel introduced me to Lake Ovid a few years ago, it has been one of my favorite fishing destinations. This small impoundment within Sleepy Hollow State Park has features found in many southern reservoirs albeit on a much smaller scale.
Every year now, we get at least one day like this. Wind howling. Waves churning. Cameraguy had to leave early anyway for a golf outing he does every year.
After only a 1-day delay this year (much better than last year), we were finally off on our annual fall northern fishing and camping trophy bass hunt.
I was pleasantly shocked the next morning when I was called off as boat number 2. Larry was boat number 3. That doesn’t normally happen and boosted my confidence. The guys at Top Bass did their best to get us out quickly since we could see boats coming across the lake from the other tournaments as we launched.
My good friends and regular fishing partners Derek Baetz and Larry Dekker talked me into giving the Top Bass circuit a try this year. Top Bass has an interesting format in that you fish by yourself – so everyone is a guaranteed boater.
2004 has been an interesting year for me. Overall, I went fishing far less than I have the past 10 or 15 years. I had slow days like everyone, but some good ones too though when I did get out.
Another fun year of fishing in and around Michigan this year. With the low water even affecting some inland lakes, we didn’t boat near as many big crappie as last spring, but marauding bass like this one made up for the slower fishing.
Any time you win a state level event, it’s a satisfying and memorable day, but this win would only be 2nd on my list of good things that happened to me in the 2000 season.